Forum Discussion

Mr__Coach's avatar
Sep 28, 2014

1996 London Aire???

I'm looking at purchasing a 1996 Newmar London Aire Diesel pusher. Has the 300hp cummins with the 6 speed Allison. Has 107000 miles on it and sounds like it's in good shape. My local RV dealer here had a London Aire at one time and I kick myself that I let it get away on me. That was a great motorhome and they were asking $30000 for it. Beautiful condition and great quality. I came across another one now but haven't seen it. They are going to send me pictures of it so I'm looking forward to seeing them. They are asking $26000 for it. Good tires all around and they had just got back from a 7000 mile trip with it. He said the problems they had with it was a transmission senser and the refridgerator wouldn't run on gas anymore so he said they ran the generator most of the trip. He said the only reason he's selling is he received a bad prognosis on his medical condition and won't be around much longer. Poor guy.. Anyways, what would be a good price for this unit? Providing it's everything he says it is. He said it runs great and everything other than the fridge (on gas) works. Is there anything on these that I should check for? How bout you owners out there? How do you like yours? By the way this unit is 2000 miles away and I would fly to drive it back so if I fly chances are I'm purchasing it. Thanks for any help on this..
  • Peralko wrote:
    Sounds like you have your mind made up and if that is the case, best of luck to you. But if I were in your situation and with your budget, I would look at some Country Coaches like a Magna or Affinity.

    Why do you say that.. Are they newer, as good as quality you think? Within my budget.. I'll do some checking..
  • Sounds like you have your mind made up and if that is the case, best of luck to you. But if I were in your situation and with your budget, I would look at some Country Coaches like a Magna or Affinity.
  • I had a problem with my fridge not lighting on my 1994 coach. It was the circuit board/brain and was about $175 to replace, just for the part. Worked perfect after that. For the price you're talking about it sounds like a nice coach. If it has a propane generator don't waste your time. That's the least desirable option for most people. You want the diesel generator.
  • The London Aire was a coach way ahead of it's time. If you can score one...go for it.
  • $20,000 to $30,000 sounds about right. The refrigerator is probably just a sooty burner, about $30 if you replace it yourself. You may be able to just clean it also. It could also be on of the circuit boards.
  • glamisorbust wrote:
    The price all depends on what it is, and what kind of condition it is in. Look at the length, if it has a slide, and how it has been maintained. Be sure to ask to see the maintenance records and receipts. The tires need to be replaced at 7 years old, so that could be a negotiation tool if they are due to be replaced. Tires are roughly $3500 for six new ones. Being a 96, does it have a slide? Slides are highly desirable and make the coach worth more in resale value. Depending on all these things, $26k doesn't sound terribly high, but maybe $20k would be more reasonable. Maybe you can post a link or some pictures so we can all take a look.

    It does have a slide, according to the seller it is in mint condition. I don't have pictures of it yet, but ya as soon as I get them I'll post a couple of em.
  • The price all depends on what it is, and what kind of condition it is in. Look at the length, if it has a slide, and how it has been maintained. Be sure to ask to see the maintenance records and receipts. The tires need to be replaced at 7 years old, so that could be a negotiation tool if they are due to be replaced. Tires are roughly $3500 for six new ones. Being a 96, does it have a slide? Slides are highly desirable and make the coach worth more in resale value. Depending on all these things, $26k doesn't sound terribly high, but maybe $20k would be more reasonable. Maybe you can post a link or some pictures so we can all take a look.