I don't think the converter will be overhead. The location changed from model to model, in the same year. Hopefully some one with the same model and year will be able to help. I can explain how the converter is wired to the system. The converter output goes directly to the fuse panel, beside the breaker panel. Then the power goes (via 2 wires) to two 30 amp breakers in the BCC. Look in the fuse panel and you will see 3 wires in a lug. Big wire goes to the converter, 2 small wires to the BCC. Not the best 12 volt charging arrangement. You may want to wire it differently. I run a 2/0 from the converter/solar source directly to the house batteries. Fused on both ends of the wire. But that's just minor stuff.
On RVForum.net is a gentleman by the handle of Just Lou. He has the most intense knowledge of the RV Custom Products BCC of any one I know. Also has the wiring prints and trouble shooting guide.
Also goes by Old Bounder on IRV2.
Yes, the steering and braking have a heavy feel. Just have to apply a little more effort. During a panic stop, I did leave black marks on the pavement, so the brakes will work OK when maintained.