Forum Discussion

behengold's avatar
May 27, 2015

2000 E450 rear left turn signal not working

I replaced the bulb but no luck.Right signal works fine. Where should I start trouble shooting?
  • I had exact same problem with my 2004 29' Coachmen DS.

    changed the bulbs and all the easy stuff. ended up paying the Ford dealer to run a new wire.

    It wasn't cheap, but i'm not that savvy with car stuff and I had to get it fixed for an upcoming trip :(
  • Don't know anything about your vehicle, but check if the bulb is a double element (i.e. one element for the bright brake light, another for the parking light/blinking turn). Switch bulbs from left side to right and vice versa to troubleshoot. Often it's bad contact due to corrosion. Flasher relay should be good if one side works.
  • Using a different ground, check for power to the socket.

    If it shows power, check the ground of the socket.

    If it does NOT show power, check the wires/connections/fuses that feed that socket.