Forum Discussion

JumboJet's avatar
Jul 30, 2013

2000 Hurricane and Intellitec Battery Control Center

I recently purchased a 2000 Hurricane. The auxiliary battery does not supply any power to the systems.

I have the manuals that came with the coach and the Intellitec Battery Control Center manual explains what might be my problem.

Does anyone know where this control center is located?

From all my exploration and looking in every crack and crevice, my thoughts are that it is located under the bed behind a wood panel that will have to be removed to access the circuits. I can see both 120 volt wires and what looks like 12 volt wires back there.
  • Dale.Traveling wrote:
    My coach as a bit newer but the BCC is located on the fire wall to the left of the air filter and chassis fuse panel. Black plastic box maybe 6" x 10". Also check the disconnect switches that are normally near the door.

    Found it - thanks. Mounted on the firewall. F53 chassis.
  • My coach as a bit newer but the BCC is located on the fire wall to the left of the air filter and chassis fuse panel. Black plastic box maybe 6" x 10". Also check the disconnect switches that are normally near the door.
  • My 2007 windsport fourwinds has the intellic center under the hood on the left.look for the heavy cables.
  • follow the big red cables off the batteries and you will get there. the BCC will be the first place they go.