Forum Discussion

map40's avatar
Mar 12, 2016

2000 National Dolphin Powergear jacks not working

Hi. A week ago I bought a 2000 National Dolphin, Ford chassis with Powergear hydraulic manual levelers. They work fine, but every so often they just stop working. After a few days they come back. We just parked in a site, try to level, and half way into it they stopped.
I checked all the requirements (park, brake, all correct), checked the fluid with all jacks retracted, perfect level. When I try to level I can hear the relays clicking, I can check voltage at the main round selenoid (I think, 2 inch round with 3 cables: one bringing power, one providing power to the pump, and a small one that I believe activates it). I measure the voltage in the small cable going in and when I press any botton it gets 13.3V, but no output. Any ideas?
  • Assuming it is the same system as mine, the solenoids that control the jacks are already powered with 12 volts and are looking for a ground to operate. The different coloured wires coming down from the controller are simply grounds.
    A jumper from the main solenoid battery feed to the smaller terminal going to the pump should operate the pump. A jumper from the coloured side of each pump solenoid to ground should make them click. You can move each jack from there. The retract solenoid is the same. If they all move then the controller is probably at fault.
    On mine the controller was faulty and I made up my own switch panel. Hope that helps.
  • All the Electrical connections will be by the pump and control board. There are no Electrical connections at the jacks. Just a hose connection.
  • map40 wrote:
    Hi. A week ago I bought a 2000 National Dolphin, Ford chassis with Powergear hydraulic manual levelers. They work fine, but every so often they just stop working. After a few days they come back. We just parked in a site, try to level, and half way into it they stopped.
    I checked all the requirements (park, brake, all correct), checked the fluid with all jacks retracted, perfect level. When I try to level I can hear the relays clicking, I can check voltage at the main round selenoid (I think, 2 inch round with 3 cables: one bringing power, one providing power to the pump, and a small one that I believe activates it). I measure the voltage in the small cable going in and when I press any botton it gets 13.3V, but no output. Any ideas?

    Sounds so much like a weak ground somewhere. Check all the wiring. :)
  • The MOST common failure of your vintage Motorhome with Powergear jacks is the electric pump motor is rusted/corroded. Jump the 2 large cables at that solenoid. IF the motor does NOT run, it is defective. Most Alternator repair shops can rebuild that motor. Doug
  • map40 wrote:
    Hi. A week ago I bought a 2000 National Dolphin, Ford chassis with Powergear hydraulic manual levelers. They work fine, but every so often they just stop working. After a few days they come back. We just parked in a site, try to level, and half way into it they stopped.
    I checked all the requirements (park, brake, all correct), checked the fluid with all jacks retracted, perfect level. When I try to level I can hear the relays clicking, I can check voltage at the main round selenoid (I think, 2 inch round with 3 cables: one bringing power, one providing power to the pump, and a small one that I believe activates it). I measure the voltage in the small cable going in and when I press any botton it gets 13.3V, but no output. Any ideas?

    IMHO the secret to the problem likely lies in a ground or two.

    As much as we would all like to just give a SIMPLE fix you need to get your coach on a really good pad (CONCRETE) and jack it up on jack stands then roll around and clean and reconnect the wiring on the jacks, and the control modules. After 16 years the connections tend to start to loose their connections and become unreliable, This tends to happen often after the Coach has been sitting and the corrosion starts to set in. I've had to do this a couple times on my Coach and it's a 2005.

    Need - creeper - jacks stands or blocking - small wrench set - 1/4' drive set - anti corrosive spray - rags -sand paper (nail file) - electrical spray - time and patience.

    90% of the time this is the problem.
