Forum Discussion

Omollica's avatar
Jul 23, 2019

2002 Safari Trek

I purchased a Safari Trek several months ago that has around 36,000 miles .
I’m not real sure what’s going on all my rig batteries run down whenever I lower the levels or use any thing that requires the battery . Also if it sits a while the batteries run down. I haven’t found out what is using up the energy to my new batteries. Has anyone else had this issue with their safari trek 2002 ?
  • Omollica,

    You'll get specific advice for your Trek at the "The Trek Tracks Forum"
    It's a community of Trek owners that willingly offer knowledgeable advice to other Trek owners when the need arises.

    My handle is Moonwink over there. I'd try to give you advice here but your 2002 is a lot different than my 2004 model.
  • 3 batteries?

    I'm assuming one 12 volt battery for the engine and two 6 volt batteries for the house part.

    Is that correct?
  • I have a 2002 Trek and 3 batteries are new . I’m a single woman and I have no idea what I’m doing . I have put $3000 into this motorhome and it still want recharge . I‘ve had two mechanics to look at it and they said it could possibly be an electrical issue . The previous owner put in a second air-conditioner and it was wired crazy. I’m wondering if that has messed up the electrical system?
  • What use are RV batteries if you need to keep plugged in?
  • I do suppose you have the rig plugged into AC to keep the batteries charged ? You might buy an AC/DC clamp meter that you just put it around the positive battery, and it will read out the amps being drawn. With the clamp meter on, and someone else watching the meter, pull each house fuse one at a time, and when the offending circuit/fuse is pulled, the clamp meter will drop to zero. Is the chassis battery running down also? Perhaps the AC/DC converter has gone south. What year is it ?
  • Check to see if the switch for your heated outside mirrors is left on. That will drain your batteries in a short time.
    You could also have ONE bad battery that is draining the others. Go to this website where you can get help specific to the Safari Trek. Safari Trek forum
  • keep the engine running while using the levelers, if they will work that way
    the alternator should be charging the house batteries

    most RV's have parasitic loads that are CAN NOT turned off

    be sure to use the battery disconnect switch, check to make sure lights fridge water pump etc.. have no power/quit working, when using the disconnect

    if NOT then the disconnect may need to be replaced

    if you have an inverter, it has to be turned off manually they will use several amps just setting turned on, might have to pull a fuse for total disconnect, inverters are connected directly to the house batteries, they stay connected, are connected and use tiny amount of power for the remote control circuits, even IF turned OFF at the remote switch ( switch has to have power in order to work )

    if stored at home then plugin an extension cord, leave batteries on/active and let the on board converter maintain the charge