There are some brands that come from the factory with them already installed,Fleetwood products such as my 2006 Tioga come from the factory with a a Bi-Directional Isolator Relay Delay.
It charges both batteries when either one is being charged. When the coach is being driven, both batteries will be charged from the engine's alternator. When the coach is plugged into shore power,both batteries will be charged from the converter. If neither battery is being charged, the batteries are fully isolated. The controller also
senses heavy loads on either battery to prevent the wrong battery from being inadvertently discharged.
Rental outfits seem to make little tweaks in the build orders for their coaches. Specifying a BIRD would help make the units a little more Renter-Proof (if that's really possible) by helping keep both batteries up while the renter is on a hookup site.
It'll be interesting to see if retail Fleetwood units are equipped the same. Would be nice if they are...