Forum Discussion

rgreenb831's avatar
Jan 24, 2013

2010 Fleetwood Pulse 24D diesel

My wife and I are new to RVing and are close to purchasing a single-owner, used 2010 Fleetwood Pulse 24D diesel with 17000 miles. Does anyone have one of these units and has it performed well? Any problems?

  • Thanks to Izzy's mom and kiwidancer.. I will certainly look up those forums you suggested. I appreciate your responding to my post.

  • We have an '09 Pulse 24A, which we bought new, and we have been very happy with it. We had to replace the GFI in the bathroom when we first bought the unit and the battery after we forgot to unplug our GPS. We recently replaced the starter switch. It was an easy and inexpensive repair. We also change the oil ourselves and it is easy. We've had no issues at all other than these and the fit and finish is much better than any of our past three RVs.

    We consistently get 16 to 17 mpg. The size is perfect for the two of us and we enjoy taking it on day trips and for errand running.

    I second the suggestion to join the groups mentioned. The Pulse-Icon forum is full of satisfied owners and they are extremely helpful and generous with advice and support. Good luck in your decision-making!
  • I have had a 2009 Pulse 24D for 4 years and love it. Small enough to maneuver around cities, large enough to not feel cramped). That is not to say I haven't had my share of problems, some of my own doing, but I am coming to realize that all RVs have issues from time-to-time. I would suggest joining both the Pulse-Icon forum( and the View-Navion forum( go thru the archives of posts to see where the problem areas are - but remember, most people post when they have a problem, not when they are happily enjoying their RV, so keep it in perspective.
    Good luck with your decision.
    Izzy's Mom