Forum Discussion

jetartessales's avatar
Aug 21, 2011

2010 Winnebago 40L. . .from Hell !

We just purchased a new (off showroom) 2010 Winnebago 40L from RV World in Nokomis, Florida. This purchase transferred to us on July 22, 2011.

Our shake down (understatement) trip of 3000 miles was a shocker. We turned the coach into RV. World service department with a total of 46 serious complaints. The pride of ownership fell from its graces almost at the snap of a finger. Here is the short list which includes the most serious.
1. Jacks will not work on manual. . .In "auto" the system raises the rear to the point of rear "4" being off the ground, then struggles to level front. . .without success. When raising jacks, the rear hang up until they cannot support the weight further, then "BANG" and the coach drops to the ground. In manual mode, the rear drop until they touch the ground then stop. Pushing front or left, only serves to run the pump
2. Both forward slides failed, the left during extension and the right during retraction.
3. Placing the AC blower on High, closes all the roof vents throughout!
4. MCD shades 3 failed . . .MCD says it is Winnebago install issue
5. We were locked inside our coach twice. Handing the keys through the window to a person outside to manually unlock the entry door freed us.
6. Every inch of the shoe molding at the base of the walls throughout came loose and worked away from the wall.
7. Foot rests (both) on Winnebago's mfg. pride and joy electric sofa BROKE and could not be used.
8. Shower surround (one piece shower enclosure) came loose from the coach bathroom walls and "oil cans" when you step into the shower. Shower floor is supported by a block of foam. . .you guessed it, the foam began colapsing as use progressed

A call to my dealer while enroute brought a call from "Steve" who is Winne's eastern Service manager. I offered to bring the coach to the factory at my expense. . .he said NO, due to the backlog of factory appointments thru the end of September. Steve set up a "bandaid" appointment with Tom Schaeffer's RV in Hamburg, PA. A call to the President remains unanswered.

I can go on and on with many other failures. I sit now, "coachless" while my dealer works through the list of problems.

Advice anyone ?

Eric & Anita Clapp
North Port, Florida

BTW, we just sold our 08 Fleetwood Discovery 40X which gave us 30K of virtually trouble free use. Our error !
  • MaverickBBD:

    Thanks for the suggestion however, our coach leveling system is Power Gear. Guess what . . .there is no consumer telephone number for this company. They will only talk to dealers. If the consumer wishes to correspond with Power Gear, they must do so by email.

    Eric Clapp
    North Port, Florida
  • Thank you to all who have responded thus far. . . I lost my patience when we discovered we were "locked inside" our coach. . .fear took over my thought processes resulting in a call to my dealers GM. I presented my case in a less than professional manner. Yes, I am aware the Florida Lemon Law covers only the chassis. . .many I have shared my situation with were not. I chose the Winne Journey 40L based upon research, watching a promo (Winne's) DVD as well as some forums researched. Their seemingly uncooperative approach to taking care of us as new owners sheds little confidence in their product. This was to be a three year purchase with a Tour as the next step. The way this plays out will certainly have "cause and affect" my next decision.

    Still seeking advice. . .

    Eric Clapp
    North Port, Florida
  • Return the vehicle and get your money back NOW. Report it under the Florida Lemon Law and find something else. Do not spend a dime or another moment of time on this RV. You will never trust it again anyway.
  • Sadly been hearing this from friends who have bought Winnie's lately :(

    I hope you find a speedy resolution to your issues, I understand your disappointment since you are buying into the Winnie theme of quality and service. I would have told the Rep. to figure out how to make it work, that's what MY customers would tell me....
  • Time for a "new" temporary paint job with lemons, large enough to list every problem inside a lemon. Saw a country coach done like that, only he had over 100 complaints and lemons and he attended every large RV rally he could find. It worked for him, CC bought the coach back, to get it away from the public.
  • If they don't want to make room for you in their schedule at the factory, tell him you will be taking the coach to HWH (I assume you have HWH levelers) in Moscow, IA and then the MCD factory in Texas and have them agree to pick up the tabs.