Forum Discussion

dramsey1's avatar
Nov 29, 2016

2015 Itasca Sunstar 27n

I'm hoping someone here has experienced the issues that I have been struggling with for some time and has some ideas for me. I've had a roof leak in the front cap which leaks down onto the dash since the coach was new. I've had 3 seal tek tests so far and a lot of sealing done but the leak remains. It all looks sealed to me but it goes back for a 4th seal tek test this week. Also, the jacks down indicator comes on almost everytime the vehicle is started whether the jacks are down or not. This after returning the coach and having it checked out 4 times. The dealers haven't been able to resolve these problems so far and I would appreciagte any help I can get. Does anyone have any ideas?
  • Thanks for your comments. It blew bubbles the first time and they believed they fixed it. The last time no bubbles. It's back in the shop now to be re-tested and I don't have the results yet. Even though I took it to a non-Winnebago dealer they said to send them the bill if this dealer finds anything and they will pay for it. Winnebago was made aware during the warranty period and has invited me to come to Forest City but I can't now due to family issues. Once I get it back I will likely buy a cover for some months of storage and they take it to Forest City in March.I didn't want to cover it but I think I should now. I have an appointment at the Lippert service center in Indiana to look at the jacks so hopefully that will be fixed soon. They said they would cover it since it is barely out of warranty and I have documentation that I tried multiple times to get it fixed.
  • Gjac wrote:
    ESC's will NOT fix water leaks. That's good to know. Doug is it your experience if the leak problem started under warranty will they cover it even though the warranty period is over?

    ESC cover BROKEN components. They do not pay for maintenance which is what any exterior leak would be and if it is a pressure leak inside on a fitting will not pay. Remember, an ESC is NOT A WARRANTY. Now, will Winnebago pay for repairs after the warranty date? This is a Gray Area. Winnebago has already paid for the leak to be fixed. The fact that the Service center can/will not find and fix the leak is NOT Winnebago's fault. The Service Center(Dealer) should fix at no cost to the customer or Winnebago as they are the ones responsible and they should want to maintain a good relationship with THEIR customer. OEM's will NOT usually pay more than once for a warranty repair. Exceptions are when the customer contacs the OEM and the OEM states to take it to another dealer and they will then pay that dealer to fix it under warranty. Doug
  • Darn that's disappointing because we have an old Itasca, we have toured the Winnebago factory and I think it's a great company. I think I would try to locate a different, good Winnebago dealer if you're not going to one now. Also, call Winnebago and possibly even take it directly to the factory in Iowa.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    ESC's will NOT fix water leaks. That's good to know. Doug is it your experience if the leak problem started under warranty will they cover it even though the warranty period is over?
  • Gjac wrote:
    Is your MH out of warranty? Do you have an extended warranty? When the seal test was done did you see were the bubbles were coming out on the exterior of the MH? At the cap seam or running lights up on top?

    ESC's will NOT fix water leaks. Need to know brand of Jacks. Usually when you have a CAP leak and it leaks onto the dash, it comes from the clearance lights or any other item(Antenna/spotlight) that is mounted on the fiberglass cap forward of the roof seam. 3 Seal Tec tests?????? I would bet they do not know how to run the Seal Tec machine. The machine is incredible for finding leaks. The ONLY time it may be difficult is IF the leak/gap is so large, it fails to blow bubbles. Doug
  • If that motorhome is not out of warranty be sure to contact Itasca and get the warranty for the given problems extended since you've been having this issue. If you have to fight for it, fight for it... They shouldn't just be able to "not resolve it" and let the warranty run out.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    Is your MH out of warranty? Do you have an extended warranty? When the seal test was done did you see were the bubbles were coming out on the exterior of the MH? At the cap seam or running lights up on top?
  • Take a ride to Forest City Iowa, might be worth the trouble.
  • I will try Good Sam. There have been multiple dealers involved in the roof leak.
  • dramsey1 wrote:
    I'm hoping someone here has experienced the issues that I have been struggling with for some time and has some ideas for me. I've had a roof leak in the front cap which leaks down onto the dash since the coach was new. I've had 3 seal tek tests so far and a lot of sealing done but the leak remains. It all looks sealed to me but it goes back for a 4th seal tek test this week. Also, the jacks down indicator comes on almost everytime the vehicle is started whether the jacks are down or not. This after returning the coach and having it checked out 4 times. The dealers haven't been able to resolve these problems so far and I would appreciagte any help I can get. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Take your RV to a different RV Repair facility. You might give Good Sam a call and see if by chance they have any recommendations of good RV Repair facilities or call customer service of the mfg. of your RV.