Forum Discussion

Tradewinds's avatar
Nov 03, 2017

2016 Winnebago Vista 30T

Just brought home my new 2016 Winnebago Vista 30T. I have one key that I have not been able to find a use for. It is labeled STRATTEC. Anyone out there can tell me what it fits, its not the ignition, door or storage boxes also not the power drop down bed...HELP>
  • Lake Jumper, I looked under the back of the MH and there is plenty of room to mount a tire and wheel under there. I did that with the DP I just traded in after all these years. Easy to do and by mounting it with a boat trailer winch cable, you can lower it up and down without hurting yourself....I just have to figure out where to mount the winch.
  • Exactly what DaveinTN said. It is for the outside lock to the storage for underneath the master bed. I believe they used a separate key because someone could possibly gain access to the inside of the RV.
    There is also a new Winnebago owners forum where you can post and find out about specific mods, issues, etc. Of course, this forum ( is my primary forum that has a wealth of info and discussion which is why I peruse both!

    Trade winds, you must have been posting as I was typing! I can't imagine lifting a spare wheel/tire in that storage compartment but it's nice to know what it was designed for! Besides, my unit didn't come with a spare rim/tire. Did yours?
  • Dave, you are the winner.. It is for the outside storage compartment in the bedroom slide out that is set up to carry a spare tire.

    Someone suggested I update my picture and MH info and as soon as I remember how to do that I will..... It was hard saying goodbye to the Tradewinds after over 150,000 miles but it was time...
  • My Vista 35B has separate key for an external storage compartment under the master bed, on the outside of the slide. It is a different key from the other external storage compartments. Do you have that?
  • Pictures of the rig?

    Could it be a key for a spare tire lock?