NO Dometic Tstat will have 2 wires, so that plug is NOT for a tstat. IF your front tstat has the LCD screen(4 button CCC), THAT controls BOTH AC units. You should see ZONE 1 on the display. You need to push FAN and MODE at the same time to switch between Zone 1(front AC) and Zone 2(rear AC). The BAD news is this, they discontinued the 4 button tstat CCC in 2001 due to problems switching zones and other parameters. So, you may have a problem switching Zones, which is a defective Tstat. They are no longer available and there are some companies that attempt to repair them with good success. The wiring on your tstat is Phone TYPE 4 wire cable, so you CANNOT install any other kind of Tstat except what Dometic offers. Respond if this is what you have and I will go into more detail on your options. Doug
Copy and paste this link for your tstat.