Forum Discussion

jurzbill's avatar
Mar 25, 2014

5 watt solar panel

I have a five (5) watt solar panel that is used for a trickle charger on batteries. I noticed in the past that the dash indicator light has always been on during sun light hours. I have not seen it on for a few days now. Looking for any imput concerning this.
  • mena661 wrote:
    5W panel is typically only connected to the chassis battery so an inverter install should not have any effect on it. But you never know how the "pros" do things.

    Yeah, that was my thought more than anything. If it coincided perfectly with the install, I could see some jobber not knowing what to do with an extra set of mystery wires....
  • 5W panel is typically only connected to the chassis battery so an inverter install should not have any effect on it. But you never know how the "pros" do things.
  • Thank you for the replies. Ijust had a new inverter/converter put in and this could be one reason. I checked with a local guy and he said the only time you would really need the solar charger is if you are not on shore or generator power, which is practically never. Just seems strange the light is out. I remember it being on all the time..
  • stuplich wrote:
    jurzbill wrote:
    I have a five (5) watt solar panel that is used for a trickle charger on batteries. I noticed in the past that the dash indicator light has always been on during sun light hours. I have not seen it on for a few days now. Looking for any imput concerning this.

    The LED indicator light for my 5 watt solar panel illuminates whenever the chassis battery is EXCEPTING a charge.... (If/when the battery is FULLY CHARGED the light shuts OFF).
    '96 Safari

    Perhaps there is something wrong with mine but I have not yet had the light go out. 5 Watts is about what... .4 amps or so at 12v or less than the charger for my cell phone. My battery always seems to be willing to ACCEPT a charge.

    I would love for the light to go out! If the OP's is like mine and was always on, I would be checking the voltage out of the panel and going from there. They could also put the ignition on and run the radio in travel mode or the dash air blower for a bit to make sure the engine battery isn't fully charged.
  • jurzbill wrote:
    I have a five (5) watt solar panel that is used for a trickle charger on batteries. I noticed in the past that the dash indicator light has always been on during sun light hours. I have not seen it on for a few days now. Looking for any imput concerning this.

    The LED indicator light for my 5 watt solar panel illuminates whenever the chassis battery is EXCEPTING a charge.... (If/when the battery is FULLY CHARGED the light shuts OFF).
    '96 Safari
  • I'm pretty sure we have the same panel. If so, it is mounted to the top of the front air conditioner shroud. There should be a "quick" disconnect wire harness right at the panel itself. On ours, the wire had exposed some and corroded out. I had to cut apart the rubber of the harness since there was not a lot of slack to the wire then cut the wire behind the existing connectors then just stripped and crimped new blade connectors on.

    All this was of course after I took my cheap multimeter up and verified that the panel was still putting out voltage.
  • It's broke. I hope you know how to use a VOM/multimeter if not,
    Panel is not likely to have failed but you need to find out, fuse, possibility, light on the dash possibility, wire where it hooks to the battery, likely. You find where you do have current at the panel and follow to where you don't and the problem is in between!