1. You have Powergear jacks. To retract in your case, go to the pump assbly and you will have either 3 or 4 hoses. Most National Powergear jacks had 3 hoses for the 4 jacks. 1 hose for each rear jack and 1 hose that was "T" ed to the front 2 jacks. There is a spring on each jack. Crack EACH hydraulic line at the pump to slightly open the fitting and allow the fluid to run out. Have a Catch pan on the ground under the pump to catch the fluid. You will only have about 2 to 3 qts of fluid that will come out. Once the lines are cracked open the jacks will retract. Once the jacks are fully retracted, tighten the lines back up. On the SIDE on the hydraulic reservoir where you put fluid in is a float switch with 2 wires. Disconnect that float switch to prevent the jack down system from coming on when you start the engine.
2. 97 National should have the capability of releasing the slide motor brake AT the motor to manually push the room in. If NOT, then you can disconnect the 2 motor wires at the motor and take a 12 volt power source (12 volt cordless drill battery is a good source) and connect the positive and negative to the slide motor to bring it in. IF the motor does NOT operate (Bad) you will have to remove the driveshaft bolts on each side of the motor and once that is done you have 2 or 3 people push the room in and then install a 2x4 brace between the inside slide fascia and the outer wall to prevent the room from moving in transit. Doug