Forum Discussion

Zanderof's avatar
Dec 21, 2013

97 Dolphin Slide & jack issue

We have a 1997 chevy Dolphin and we have no books for it. We moved out the slide and it would not come back in. We assume the best place to start is checking the wiring and fuses but are not sure which fuse box to check.

Once the slide was stuck in the out position, we tried to lover the jacks and they seem to have malfunctioned. The RV is now sitting at angle with the front lower than the back, and the back passenger side is higher, so it isn't level. We aren't really sure where to start.

Do we need to worry about trying to level the RV before trying to figure out how to pull the slide back in? Can we pull the slide back in without it being level and not having to worry about it tipping? How do we find the manual "crank" for pulling the slide back in?

I should mention that the marine batteries and car batteries are all new.

  • I would say the switch could be culprit for the slide. A common high current slide switch is like the 12095 Slide switch
    I would check the fluid level for the stabilizers. Did you find thew make?
  • Thank you for the information and the welcome! However, our RV has an electric slide out :(
  • This could be a common problem between the two systems. Some combine the hydraulic stabilizers with a hydraulic slide out in which they use the same pump.
    Look on your leveler control box, look to see if there is a make and possibly a model.
    Look under the hood driver's side for a battery control center. There should be fuses there.
    And Welcome to!