Forum Discussion

berreez's avatar
Jan 29, 2014

A budget of 50K a year

Well I think I’m leaning more towards a DP than a MH. All I’ve read or heard leads me to think it would best suit what we want to do.
Now I know it’s more expensive to own one but would a budget of 50k a year work? We’ll be out on the road for more than 250+ days when I retire.
We’ll be mainly staying at Military RV parks for 14 days to 90 days at a time since I’m a retired Army guy. We will stay at “civilian” parks too but not a lot for the first few years.
So, would it be feasible to own a DP than a gas MH with all the up keep I keep hearing about?

On edit, there are no bills other than what is needed out on the road and minimal expenses at our home in Missouri.
  • Diesel pushers usually have turbos whereas gas motors do not. Diesel pushers usually have air suspension and gas motorhomes usually do not. I replaced a turbo intercooler last year, had my radiator rodded, and adjusted the valves and it was 8 grand.

    In my opinion 50,000 a year is plenty. But I think it is unrealistic to think maintenance and repair costs are similar on diesel or gas motorhomes. That is not my experience. On a new rig with a warranty then the cost will be closer.

    But 50 is enough for either. That is unless you camp at casinos and have the gambling bug. Then 500,00 is not enough. LOL.
  • That is absolutely enough. Just keep it real and watch the money. I don't even think it would be that tight.... I'd stay in one area for about 3 weeks then move on. I'd mostly cook in the camper, but dine out two times a week.

    I believe 50k would be just fine. Keep a rainy day fund, repair fund, and an emergency fund.

    Otherwise forget the funds, and have fun!
  • Like Old-Biscuit said the maintenance isn't much different. Yeah oil changes are more expensive because I'm buying 5 gallons of oil instead of 5 quarts, but you can go longer between changes in the DP. Where you may run into lots bigger charges are if things go wrong. Diesel engines are much more expensive to work on and parts are hugely expensive. But that is offset by the fact that diesel's are more reliable and don't break as often as gas engines.

    As for is $50 enough? Only you really know that. It wouldn't be enough for me, but I tend to spend a lot of money on toys.
  • MH's simply do not do well sitting for long periods of time. They need to be run and exercised periodically otherwise things start going bad.
    IMHO if you plan to sit for 90 days at a time why not get a trailer and decent truck to tow it? Less dollars and only a single drive train to maintain. If your going to be moving every week or so them a MH might be a better choice.
  • I think $50K a year is plenty and probably too much. I bring my DP in once a year for it's service and it will cost $800 to $1,000. Then figure $500 to $1,000 a year for other fixes that happen with any motorhome.
  • I don't understand the misconception about all the up keep/more expensive.

    Routine maintenance is slightly more expensive but not to such a degree to be an issue

    50K a year.......Fine Dining/Fancy Resorts/Caviar/Cuban cigars/Champagne/Theater Tickets......maybe

    We full timed for 7 yrs. on half of that.
    Fine Dining...heck yes I'm a great cook
    Fancy Resorts.....YEP $10/night via membership----right next to them $$$$MHs
    Caviar....sorta-----just substituted salmon eggs from the bait shop
    Cuban Cigars......well Red Dot Cigars might not be Cuban but they smoke pretty good
    Champagne.....does Martinelli's Sparkling juice in a traditional champagne bottle count
    Theater Tickets.....afternoon matinee every week
