Just an FYI. We fulltimed for 15 years. . . until my DH passed away. . . on the road.
I blogged faithfully for all those years. Not every day, but often and included pictures, etc. When we did Alaska, I blog every single day of the 79 day trip and included lots more pictures.
My SIL read it faithfully and suggested that I preserve it in some way as he thought my grandchildren might sometime want to read about their grandparents' adventure.
You can't print easily from the blog. . . at least not on blogger. I went to blog2print.com and set up my blog for publishing. They frequently run 40% off and I took advantage of that. I printed my 15 years of blogs in 7 volumes totaling over 1500 pages. I picked pix for the cover and the back and had a dedication. The books are printed with a table of contents.
What a project, but I love the books and they are quite a conversation piece for visitors. Blog2print will also prepare a digital file you can download and put on thumbdrives and that's what I did to give each family member their own copy.
I never knew one could do this. . . I just started looking for a solution and found it was possible!