Class A motorhomes the PCM will never control the Dash AC. The Dash AC is always installed by the Coach builder and they run their own harness. The exception is a Class A Diesel pusher that the chassis builder installs the Compressor and Freon hoses from rear to front and the Coach builder installs the Evap and blower housing and dash controls and dash ductwork. The condenser is also installed by the Coach builder. On Ford/Chevy and Workhorse, the Condensor is installed by them. Your problem is what others have stated. the Pressure switches( a LOW and a HIGH) are not closing to send power to the Compressor and the Condensor fan due to low or NO charge of Freon/134a. This is a compressor saving system if you ran the compressor with no Freon/134a, it would burn the compressor up. Doug