I've got a charcoal filter with finer media openings than stock, that can be cut to fit.
When Coleman repaired our rear ac last of June, I asked about using it. He said they would rather that we sued their filters. Air flow restriction. Gave uss aan email address and they sent us two for free.
W keep our coach really clean inside and don't cook anything that throw off a lot of grease vapor. When we do cook we open the fantastic vent fan too.
I've washed the stock filers ay times over the years a real pain if any grease vapors get into them and it will destroy the material.
I'm not sure what basement air units use but it is time for a redesign for quieter unis with enough filter area for extreme filtering.
The idea was that most RVers didn't take care of things like filters and didn't want problems with the ac from not servicing filters. We need big enough intakes to use the super small micron filters like we use at home, and a filter for the dash air.Lot of junk comes in on a thousand mile trip behind trucks hauling dirt, plowed fields,and such.
Perhaps you can try it and report back. Kind of measure flow from the ac before and after you install it.