roachcoach wrote:
Daboo wrote:
I will agree with rgatijnet1..we carry a portable AC we bought at Home good..easy to install and no modifications are needed...they come in different sizes..look at them prior to remodeling a window so a unit would fit....good lck
What is the model # of that unit and you feel it really makes a difference? and thanks ahead of time for the advice.
I've used units like
A/C unit these to help dehumidify houses before the HVAC is hooked up. Think you could put it by the front windshield/driver seat, and run the little 4" exhaust hose through the drivers window. They are sold at Lowe's and HomeDepot so easy to find them. Have also used them a a supplement to a whole house system in the summer in Colorado -- sure helped.
Nice thing is they are so easy to hook up.