keramiller1980 wrote:
dougrainer, thanks again. Zone 2 is listed, it just didn't show any functions. There has been no work done on the A/Cs. I wasn't able to get up on top but did go ahead and go through the reset procedures you provided. I did get the FF indicator. Once completed it now shows only "AGS Mode" and I can toggle on or off. I believe this to be part of the Automatic Generator Start feature which I don't need at this time. It doesn't permit me any other function options on Zone 2 however, just the AGS Mode. Zones 1 and 3 are still working fine.
Yes, AGS is a mode in the DIP switch connections and usually there is a separate dedicated AC control board for the AGS system for a Dometic. At this point you need to check the DIP switches on the Center Zone 2 control board. Make sure the Zone DIP is locked onto the ON position. Which should be since you have Zone 2 indicated. Also, there will be 2 phone type communication cables off the control board. 2 black phone wires. THEY are only about 12 inches long and then connect to the main gray cables that go to the other AC boards. Check the RG11 cable modular connections for corrosion and rust. You will probably have to pull the top Evap cover to gain access to these cable connections. Doug