Expyinflight wrote:
Overhead bed....difficult for the older adult or senior??
Dang!! I don't think I'm quite that decrepit yet. I'm 65, 5'10", and 230 lbs....yet have no problem navigating the ladder in or out of our overhead bed whatsoever. It is my preferred place to sleep.
Well....My hat is off to you. Good for you that it's works well.
My reference considers the "typical" senior. There are always exceptions and you are surely one of them.
I also think some of the limitations are relative to the head clearance in the upper bunk. The low ceiling in some rigs prevent the person from sitting upright, making it more difficult to get in and out from. Then there is the dinette or couch to utilize in some situations. There is no one statement that covers every over-head situation. My apologies for that.