Forum Discussion

Highwaymann's avatar
Dec 03, 2014

Access to water heater

I have a 2008 Coachmen Mirada and I suspect a leak behind the water heater. I had a water line repaired a couple years ago and I think it is leaking again. The mobile RV tech went in to the water heater through the compartment beside the water heater. There's a panel that is loose but I can't figure out how to get it out (and I didn't pay enough attention when he did it). I don't want to break it (it's half inch plywood) but that seems the only way. Please help. thanks.
  • The back of the water heater in our '95 Coachmen was accessed by removing a decorative panel that was held in place by spring clips. It took a pretty good tug to remove it, but it just snapped back in place when done.
  • Not being there and visually seeing panel it's tough to tell you what needs to be done.
    Tight fit, missed a screw, lift up/out, slide to side/out ????

    But panel can be replaced/repaired so get it out and find/fix that water leak.
    Water is a killer when it comes to RVs. 50 cent leak can become a $$$$$$ repair even that little drip, drip, drip
  • Do what needs to be done to stop the leak. Repair wood later