DutchmenSport wrote:
Just to add fuel to the fire, (OK, I'm a trouble maker here).. I still do not understand how ... if you are actually speeding in the far left lane, (anything over the posted speed limit), and you have someone riding your bumper, how that is impeding traffic? Both drivers are wrong, because both drivers are speeding. I just don't get it?
If the front driver is UNDER the speed limit, yes.... I perfectly under stand that. But if going faster than the speed limit, does that mean they should go EVEN faster to get out of the way so the person behind can go even faster yet!
The whole thing is really bad if you ask me. Unfortunately, law enforcement and the courts let speeders get away with this. So... where's the safety factor here? Someone driving 90 mph when the speed limit is 50, or someone driving 50 when the speed limit is 50, and an impatient person who just can't obey the law? I REALLY don't get it. That's why I drive in the far right and let them pass. I don't get it ... left lane, speeding, and that's impeding traffic?
I dare anybody who is interested to drive I-5 between San Diego and LA.
Part of the 4-lanes freeway goes via military base, so no exits, no rest areas for several miles.
So what happen there in afternoon traffic?
Lane #1 goes stop&go
Lane #2 goes about 25 mph with frequent slowing downs
Lane #3 occupy mostly by semi trucks goes about 40 mph.
Lane #4 is mostly having no traffic, so I never hesitated to go there 80 mph.