69gp wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
"First off I will be the first to say I don't obey all the laws of the road."
I think that says it all. :)
I admitted up front. just an example. In Ma you can drive a commercial pickup truck with 2 people in in the HOV lane. You cannot do that in NY. I got a $100 fine plus it would have put points on my insurance. Went to court and plead guilty to opening my drivers door on the road. Same fine but does not go on your insurance.
This was all because I did not know the laws of another state.
Where is there an HOV lane in Mass?
Trucks, Mh's and anyone towing anything are not allowed in the left lane in Mass. Yet lots of people do it and as the OP states, its dangerous.
Here is a tricky one in Mass: There are several highways that allow driving in the breakdown lane during peak hours. Navigating a MH on one of these roads is taking a risk of life and limb.