So here is where I ended up. I just ran the rig 3 hours 85% highway the rest country roads. Rig handles better than that Greyhawk I had. I did air my front tires back up to 75 pounds to get rid of the hub cap rub/squeak noise.
So I thought my spring work added extra weight to my front axle. It did not. CAT scale weigh in this afternoon showed I gave back 37 pounds on the front and took on an additional 200 on the back.
Maybe my rig has more rake now I’m not sure. My caster is over Ford spec though because of the rear suspension work. The shop has full confidence that the tires and steering components will be fine. I can now get the rig up to 70 and she tracks true with my hands hovering over the wheel. Driving 62-65 is easy peasy now.
I’m very pleased with the job !