rgnprof wrote:
Hey John, nice to hear from you. You think it's stupid to just do half the roof?? I plan on buying enough EPDM to do the whole thing, but...I may wait and do it in stages...
Doing it in stages will mean seams. Eternabond tape doesn't last an eternity, contrary to popular belief. If it's on a surface where water has become trapped the seal will eventually fail. I have seen it with my own eyes. With water trapped under it it will fail in a year or two. If however, it stays dry under there then it will last a good long time. It's really easy to trap moisture under your roof repair. I pulled the rubber off of mine when the weather was going to be hot and dry for a couple of days. I left it exposed till the wood under there was dry. Then I recovered it. If it has been leaking you can bet that there is water trapped under there. Over time it will rot the marine plywood. While you
re up there working you will find pin hole size leaks that you didn't see but, that when you push down on it water will leak out. This gets worse with age.. Obviously you need to do something and do it very soon.
Good luck on whatever you decide to do. I understand about monitoring how much you spend on an old RV. My old motorhome was 26 years old when I sold it. The roof was dry as a bone but, it took a lot of effort, some wrong turns, and patience to figure out what worked. The chassis will outlast the coach in most RVs simply due to water damage. The place where I store my RV has a few motorhomes rotting away.