Hi All.
Well, I think most of your problems is "Yourself". And most of that is becasue of you being a "Newbie RV'er".
I have done all of my own "Work", and "Repairs" and "Mods" on every RV we have ever owned in the past 45+ years as RV'ers.
This is not just a Rexhall issues, its all RV's Period. The A/C Gaskets are very well known to have to be checked from time to time. As all that Viberations, Shakking and Rattleing and going down the Hiways of this country sure does losen up a lot of things on an RV's if you don't stay on top of it.
Its called "Proventive Maintance Programs". I don't concider it work to be working on the Motorhome when ever we are not using it. I am a "Real Nut Case", when it comes to "Provemntive Maintance Programs", Period.
We also have a 19997 Rexhall, and we haven't had one issue since we bought ours some years ago. But then again, I do all of my own work and repairs. I have never taken our Motorhome to any RV Shop, period.
When we did our Motorhme search, we decided that we wanted only a Rexhall, Period. They are a pretty darn good montorhome to statr wwiht. They are also still in business if you have to ask for any information about your Motorhome.
We also like the all the "Steel Frame" on Rexhalls wallls.
We have never Broken down or have ever had a leak of any kind, in any RV we have ever ownerd, now and in the past.
We wouldn't trade our Rexhall Motorhome for any other brand of Motorhome out there. We even did an "Inside Make-Over" on the inside of our motorhome. so now its the way we wanted it to look now. We really liked the Layout and Floor-Plan of our Rexhall Motorhome. But we didn't care for some of the "Colors", or for some of the "Furinture" it had in it that the manufactor used in our Motorhome.
So we replaced all of the old cruddy OEM Flooring and some of the OEM Furniture also. And we also got red of all of the OEM Window Treatments too. Instead we used "Real Household Curtains", and while we were at it, we put the very Dark Limo Tinttiing on all of the Windows that were allowed.
This Rehall Motorhome will more than out last us and then some. Our Rexhall Motorhoe is a pleasure to ride in and to drive very esaily with just one hand. We don't have to worry about "Semis passing us", and in most case "Cross Winds, unless they are extream.
And on top of it, we bought or Rexhall Motorhome, for a "Once in a Life-Time Buy.
Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill & our Yourkie Kids