1.) Is the thermostat in the line of cold air?
No, if it was, it would prematurely shut off, not stay running when the ambient temperature is colder than the thermostat is set at.
2.) Developing ice from the temp originally set too low.
No visible ice, and can see water running down the side coils. Thermostat on 80 and room is at 72 degrees. Regardless of ice, the unit should not be running if it is set at 80 and the ambient temp is 8 degrees below that.
3.) Thermostat mounted on the exterior wall.
It is mounted on the wall of the closet, 2 feet from any exterior wall. Test was performed at 8:00pm in the evening with no direct sunlight.
All measured temps were done with a Digital Thermometer resting on top of the thermostat.
All of the symptoms point at the thermostat itself. Tonight I will swap the thermostat in the front of the coach with the one in the back and see if that cures the problem. If that isn't the problem, I can only assume its a problem in the logic board.