Well gang,
Apperantly mine must be a lot more complicated than most of yours. As you can see in the pics, there's way more to change out during the service than just one "spin on" filter. Now mine, also apperantly has not been serviced prior to our acquiring the coach so, it's pretty ugly in the internal (Coalescing filter). And, because precautions were not taken on some of the screws by using the application of anti-seize, I broke two of the three off. Oh what fun this maintenance stuff is.
But, at least on mine, there's TWO filters to change. One, the spin on one, called the Desiccant filter and the second one, that sits inside the spin-on one, called the Coalescing filter. Then there's the relief valve which, as stated, on mine, faces the mounting bracket so, the bracket had to be removed to access that relief valve. And finally, there's the purge shield. Two of the three screws that held that on, are what broke on mine.
There's no way on this planet that I could do all of this while it's mounted on the coach, IMPOSSIBLE. But, like I said, there must be some different models of these that don't have all the components that mine does. Sure wish mine was that easy.
P.S. In the first picture, you see the unit right after I pulled it out, nice and dirty and with lot's of drive shaft grease spit on it after a few zillion miles.
The second picture shows the unit much cleaner and, the purge shield removed with one of the broken off screws showing.
The third shows another broken screw
The forth shows all the components that are to be removed and replaced including the two filters, the purge shield and the relief valve. There's also a new heat resistant gasket for the purge shield and, a steel plate that encapsulates the purge shield that's not in the picture.