wolfe10 wrote:
Also, be aware that "we can align it" can mean VERY different things in different shops.
Some shops may check things, but really only adjust toe.
Others know that OE caster was inadequate for RV applications and know that you will require parts to "rebuild" to be able to do an "optimal" alignment.
Many shops setting only the Toe and not addressing CASTER (Camber as an aside but directly tied to CASTER) <<<>>> This Bears Repeating.
So does "we set Caster to mid-spec, it's at 3* left 3.5* right." No good for a Class C on Ford. Tell them what you expect and you need Before/After reports to confirm it. Some will refuse to use adjustable sleeves. Even though all they need to do is be sure the parts are clean and the pinch bolt is properly torqued to specification. If they can FIND fixed sleeves that'll get CASTER to At Least 5*L and 5.5*R, fine. Otherwise find a a shop that'll install Ingalls or Specialty adjustable sleeves. By "Sleeves" I mean UPPER BALLJOINT OFFSET BUSHINGS.