0 toe is fine. More will not help on-center feel. The reason for slight toe-in is just to compensate for the suspension stress while at speed. The toe will tend to move out very slightly due to road friction pushing back on the spindle while on the highway and essentially zero itself. Not a big deal on newer stuff compared to the old days but slightly in is still preferred and shown in the specs. If you go in have it adjusted slightly in.
On center feel is primarily accomplished with Caster. Caster is the relationship of the top ball joint behind (+) or in front (-) of the lower ball joint. Very common to be 2 to 6 degrees positive to give that centered feel. The more positive supposedly the suspension will transmit more ride harshness to the occupants but I think it is minor. And yes a bit more (1/2 degree?) additional positive on the right wheel will help compensate for road crown and keep you straight.
Camber is usually close to zero. I think in your original post you may have swapped the Camber vs Caster measurements. (did it get edited?) Camber is the angle that keeps the wheel/tire vertical. As the tire leans right or left it will tend to create a pull in that same direction.
What are you looking to fix? Just the centered feeling? Tire wear? Drifting or pulling to what side?
20 years ago I was certified but it has been a while.