lawtonglenn wrote:
I REALLY appreciate the help, and I will try to take pics and post them asap, but it will be next week, as I am scrambling to get packed leaving for a 5 day trip.
Please don't take my delay as ingratitude!
Also, when you have the camera out take pictures of both the side and front profiles FROM A DISTANCE. It almost seems as though your unit sits high in the front AND even higher at the back. Sort of like a "higher then normal" nose down attitude. I say this because if the vehicle were fore and aft level you should measure more caster. It is my current theory that a level vehicle with the CASTER at NEUTRAL should have about +3 to +3.5 Degrees of Caster. Your vehicle appears to be less then that even with the 594 sleeves supposedly set for more + then neutral, if you get my drift.