Forum Discussion

Gridley's avatar
Jun 30, 2017

Allegro Breeze or Allegro RED

We are considering either an Allegro Breeze or an Allegro RED.

Are both built with the same quality?

How well does the air bag leveling system in the Breeze really work? Does it really keep the coach from moving when someone is walking around like regular jacks do?

Any other significant differences we should take notice of?

Thank you for your advice,

  • They are both built on the same line with the same production people. The Breeze and RED are really different animals even tho they look similar. I have had NO complaints about the Breeze air bag system from any of our customers. We have probably sold 20 Breezes since they were introduced. The Air bag system is almost identical to the Large RV Diesels that have Air leveling. Doug