You can determine whether you have a 2000 or 3000 series very easily.
The 2000 has an external filter-- looks like an engine oil filter.
The 3000 has only internal filters.
Never worked on a 2000, it may or may not be the same for diagnostic purposes as the 3000.
With that said, on the 3000 and perhaps the 2000 you can do a diagnostic check from the driver's seat.
Key on, engine off.
Push up and down arrows at the same time. The shift pad will say O L.
Push the up and down arrows again. The shift pad will say d-1 and if there is a diagnostic code it will show numbers. If no code, it will be d-1 - -.
If there is a diagnostic code, after recording it, press the MODE button to bring up the next diagnostic code. Continue until you get - -.
Turn off the key to exit.
Look up the diagnostic codes on Allison's website or in your Allison manual.