Most folks don't realize how much amperage each appliance pulls. A/Cs are the worst, but only on start up. Also, if it's hot, the amps from the pedestal can drop way low. Without an EMS to shed items it's dangerous to run both airs on 30amps if the CG is supplying a low voltage from the pedestal. I have 3 A/Cs and only run one if on 30amps. Remember the equation Watts = Amps/Volts.
A 30 amp service supplies you with 3600 watts. A 50 amp service will produce 6000 watts....but, there's more....the 50 amp service has two 120V feeds which doubles the wattage to 12,000. Quite a difference....
If your coach does not have and EMS and from your desc it does not, be sure to grab a Progressive Industries Surge protector with Voltage Protection. These little devices will protect your RV investment many times over...JMHO..Dennis