I use a wax called Nu Finish on the front of my coach and all the metal storage doors. I use 3 coats of wax to get me thru a season! I use Aerospace #303 Protectant on my fiberglass it's a "SPF-40" UV Protectant that is earth friendly and on the bottle it claims to be "The Worlds most effective UV screening product. I've researched Aerospace #303, and it was designed by a Boeing Airplane Engineer (Boeing uses it on all there Airplanes to maintain luster on there finishes),I also researched it when it first came to the market to find out what ingredients are in it and none were listed (not one)! I even (did a MSDS search) and not one ingredient was listed due to a Federal Law, that protects a persons product! If it was petroleum based (like Turtle Wax tire products) it would have to be listed according to Federal Law. On the bottle that I have it say's for RV use that it can be used on Fiberglass, all interior/exterior vinyl and leather and can be used on RV EPDM Rubber Roofing. It says for maximum protection use every 3 to 5 weeks. My coats of #303 last about 2 months here in the rainy Pacific Northwest then it starts to loose it's luster. On fiberglass and decals, I've used everything and what works best for me is #303 or Pledge Furniture Wax both really easy to work with. Good Luck, Rooster