Forum Discussion

BigBlockTank's avatar
Sep 30, 2014

Any issues with 19.5 wheels???

I took our new to us 2003 Flair 33r to Costa Mesa for the Sand Sports Super Show. Almost all the way there, we had a pretty good shake, and bounce, both in the steering wheel and the seat.

My years of experience told me I had something in the front end, like tire balance, to cause the steering wheel to shake like that. And also, the rear had some balance issues with my seat the way it was.

We got back home to Tucson, and I took it to a friend to have the wheels balanced. Well well well, come to find out, one of the wheels was bent, and bent good enough that Ray Charles could see it (no disrespct intended Ray). They were good enough to pull the spare out and check it. It too was slighly out of round, along with the other front wheel. I stopped them at that point, nothing good could come from checking the rears at this point.

From my experience, I kinda know that those 19.5 steel wheels are just too small for this motorhome and it's weight. Has anybody else had this issue, and if so, what did you do to prevent it?

Thanks in advance, Tank
  • Are they 19.5x6.00 or 19.5x6.75? I believe the 6.00" ones are rated for 3750 pounds and the 6.75" even more. What's your GVWR and GAWRs?

    If they are the 6.00" ones, the same size is used on F450's and F550's. Much easier to find replacement ones, Ford even used aluminum ones.
  • ya but 22.5's look so good. I think you have a tire balance problem guy
  • Yeah, I have issues with the 19.5" wheels on our 2012 MH:

    1. They cost a good bit less $$ to replace than the bigger 22" wheels

    2. Easier to handle - Doesn't require 3 men and a $1000 impact wrench to swap one out. I can almost change a tire by myself, using a portable impact wrench.

    3. If you do decide to carry a spare, a 19.5" spare is smaller, lighter, and easier to store than a 22".

    Oh, wait, those are the reasons I *PREFER* 19.5 wheels, not 'issues'. :)

    I have had no issues with our MH and its 19.5" wheels. For the reasons above, I actually prefer them. Like already said, I think the original poster's MH was abused somehow before, causing the damage to the wheels.
  • The question is, have you had issues with these wheels? If you have, what did you do to correct it, and prevent it from happening again?

    Whatever happened previously has happened, and can't be changed. What have YOU done to fix the problem, or to prevent it from happening again. That is the question.....Thanks
  • Me thinks someone abused it prior to you purchasing it. I had 19.5s on my PaceArrow that I owned for 14 years and was 7 years old when I purchased it with no problems.
  • Sounds like you have some really abused wheels. Used are hard to find and new are expensive.
  • Unless you loaded your motor home to exceed the axle rating, why would you think that the wheels were not capable of handling the load?
    There are millions of 19.5" wheels out there and I would think that if this was a widespread problem, the manufacturers would have stopped using them years ago, not just on RV's but the MILLIONS of delivery vehicles that use them.
  • We have a 96 Southwind, 37', tag axle with 19.5's.

    I've never had an issue with the wheels. Could your Flair have been damaged prior to purchase?