Forum Discussion

bullydogs1's avatar
Jun 25, 2013

Anyone have a DISH 211k with extra drive for DVR?

Want to add a disk drive for DVR use with our 211k box...but it has to be powered on its own and not the USB according to DISH...(one at Costco was good, but not powered on its own)....please furnish a link or exact specs so I can get one..I know it is a $40 one time charge..but for DW..willing to pay it...
  • You can do this with the limitation that you can't record on one channel and watch another since the receiver has only one tuner. You can record a program while watching it or program it to record when you are away. Click on any program in the guide that is in the future and a menu will pop up which gives you several options. You can also pause program while watching.

    My experience was with Bell who uses the same (relabelled) equipment. It was as simple as hooking up the hard drive (with external power supply), turn on the receiver and a menu came up to the effect that "I see you've hooked up a hard drive, press OK to format". Then "hard drive ready to go, press Done". That was about it. There may be an additional "hoop" to jump thru with Dish since they charge a one-time fee for this service.

    Some seem to have been able to use a USB-powered HD but I didn't try that. Had an old drive kicking around so I decided to try it. Has been working well for a couple of years with the above caveats/limitations. I use it at home and have found it quite handy, but the real DVR would offer more flexibility at a much higher cost.
  • I am confused here

    The Disk network VIP 211K is a single TV HD receiver without DVR. Are you saying you can connect an external hard drive and use this receiver as a DVR?

    Where does the "DVR" software come from? It doesn't appear to be resident on the stock receiver.

    Help please

  • I bought a Hitachi 500 GB hard drive from the same time I bought the vip211k. Has external 120 vac power. I think any external HD with separate 120vac power plug will work. I think you can use up to 1 TB.
  • You say it is powered by USB...yet DISH told me it has to be externally your USB powers it..without a conventional AC cord to a DISH 211K???the thing was right in my hands yesterday but DISH said externally who is right?...Thank you for your help.
  • I have a 211k receiver and have installed an external hard drive. I made sure to get one that is externally powered. They are readily available but when you purchase it be sure to check as many are powered through the usb port and I don't think the 211 will support that. I believe mine is a seagate and I got it at best buy, in the store. It simply plugs into a 120 v recepticle and to the 211 via a usb port. Direct tv provided the download software and I was in business very quickly.
  • I use a small laptop harddrive in a small USB HD enclosure. It is powered through the 211K USB connector. If your drive requires an extra USB connection for power (such as using the Y type cable), the 211K doesn't have that capability.