freestoneangler wrote:
How about its use in hot weather -- when you want hot water but don't need heat in the coach? Also, do they tend to give off odor and more costly to maintain?
In hot weather you rarely need to turn on anything as the engine has heated the water which will last a longtime (since it's hot outside).
The only odor from an Aqua-Hot would be from the diesel exhaust. Ours runs very clean (just had it serviced) so not much of a smell. Now, if we are parked close to our neighbor, I run the Aqua-Hot on electric as not to send any fumes to the neighbors. Usually we are never parked that close to a neighbor but it has happened.
Our Aqua-Hot has the two stage electric element( 110 and HI). We can heat the coach electrically through the Aqua-Hot if it's not too cold out (40+ degrees). I have to say, that the electric elements will make the water almost scalding!
I get ours serviced every other year as every year seemed too often. After having it done every year for a couple of years the nozzle looked like brand new, I couldn't tell the difference. The fuel filter is also changed. I think it's about $250 for servicing.