1. If 1 zone has no hot air and the other does, 99% of the time the Circulation pump is bad on a 6 year old system. The other 1% would be the zone check valve is stuck for that zone and does not allow hot coolant to circulate
2. Unlimited Hot water depends requires the Diesel Burner to be ON and has run long enough(usually 30 minutes or less) to heat the coolant tank which is about 7 gallons of coolant. Once the Tank coolant is at temp, the Diesel burner will then keep the coolant hot enough for unlimited hot water. HAVE YOU DONE THIS?
3. If you have done as listed above then the odds are the Stir Pump is not running. Rarely does the Mixing valve go bad.
4. Depending on the age(yours is 6 years) and how often the Aqua Hot had been used in those 6 years, it is very possible that both the Zone Pump and Circulation pump are gummed up and defective. Aqua Hot has a new style Circulation pump that does not have this type problem. If you look at the 3 Circulation pumps at the Burner side, IF they have clear covers, those are the old style.
5. A Aqua Hot "service" does not take into account the problem you are experiancing. A Aqua Hot service just replaces the fuel nozzle and the Fuel filter and sets the Spark Gap. BUT, the service center should then do a complete operational check---Ensure Hot water is unlimited and the Heat zones work. Most Service Centers do not do this. I get customers all the time that come in and state they want the yearly Service. I then ask WHY and if they have any problems and they state problems similar to yours. I tell them a standard YEARLY SERVICE does NOT fix this type problem. There will be an extra charge to diag and fix any operation problems after the yearly service. I, ALSO, before I do any Aqua Hot Service if the customer does NOT state any problems will do an operation check BEFORE doing the Service. Then we call the customer BEFORE we do the service to let them know that the Yearly Service will probably not fix the problems we see.
6. The Zone pump and Stir pumps are the same model pump. Doug