OP here, glad to hear I am not the only one. So it seems there is clear evidence that people will go beyond their normal habits to be discourteous to RV's and trucks to get a perceived benefit of not being held up or inconvenienced. It really feels like an "us against them" scenario sometimes. That said, I am not sure that years ago I wasn't the same way. Most folks have never driven a vehicle like an RV for an extended period. In the past few years since owning my MH I really have a new appreciation not only for other RV's but OTR trucks as well. Even in my car I look to see trucks and RV's attempting to negotiate traffic and I am aware of what they deal with and help them when I can with respect to lane changes, merges, turns, etc. They really appreciate the uncommon courtesy. They must be thinking "this guy is a trucker or an RVer" because unfortunately we are the only ones that "get it". Also as I grow older I have a deeper understanding that going faster really does not get you there any quicker. It's all perception but apply math and really you are talking about seconds. The next step in my evolution is to stop letting this behavior bother me. Discourtesy and lack of empathy really irritate me. I will close with this thought, I have also recently seen a lot or OTR drivers that are down right dangerous and should not be in command of a semi. Drifting while eating or on the phone, going way too fast etc. I try and understand that there maybe reasons but it's still not right. Most are fine, but some are bad.