Sly, there is a fee to stay at AZ. State Parks. I've stayed at two AZ. State Parks, Cattail Cove S.P. South of Lake Havasu City, AZ. and River Island S.P. on the Parker Strip. Both are very nice and you can stay for 2 weeks. The AZ. BLM (Bureau of Land Management) has several free campsites I only know of two! One is North of Lake Havasu City, AZ. (up on top of the hill on the Eastside of HWY. #395) where all the Burro's hang out. You can get your free permit at the BLM Office in LHC. and the other free campsite is Dome Rock in Quartzsite, AZ. Dome Rock is on the road that goes past the garbage dump on the left side. La Poza, a BLM pay site is 1 my South of Quartzsite on Hwy #395, the BLM charged me $40.00 for 2 weeks or $200.00 for the winter season. Good Luck! And Sly, if you travel with pets in AZ. be aware of the coyotes they are very aggressive have been known to snatch small dogs while walking on leash's. And they are a protected species by law in AZ. you don't want to harm or harass them. You can get free Dome Rock permits at La Poza, free permits are for 30 days only then you have to move to the next free site.