Forum Discussion

golfoh1's avatar
Jul 18, 2013

Arkansas mountains

Any ideas for places where can fish andn sight see birds?
Looking to go in Sept.
  • Cotter, Arkansas. Not high up but right on the White River. River looks like it is inches deep and clear as gin but it is several feet deep.
    I don't remember the name of the campground. It is brief ways off the main hwy. There is a store next to the campground. We hired a guide from there that was a quail farmer. See if they have the Brown trout on the wall. 9 lb 14 oz. Beautiful trout. Wish I had let it go.
    River is too swift for fly fishing from the stream, from what we could tell.
  • What kind of fishing? Arkansas has trout streams, bass and catfish in reservoirs, some really big cats and other big predators in stretches of the Arkansas River. For some of the fishing you might need a boat, and a guide often helps.

    I fish a little further up in the Arkansas sytem, the river and its tributaries through NE Oklahoma, because that's where my license is valid. But in the state of Arkansas, I'd be in the same waters, the flood control reservoirs for the Arkansas system.

    White River is something special, something different, because it is fast water and stocked with trout. They also stock trout in the tailwaters of some of the dams, but fishing varies quite a bit depending on season and outflow.

    September, you'll start seeing a lot of migratory waterfowl coming through, and some populations of geese, ducks, and wading birds winter in the area, also finding the fishing good. There will be a permanent waterfowl population as well, guys who forgot about going north for breeding. Bald eagles live around, fish in, some of the larger reservoirs.

    You have to decide which birds you want to see, what's in the forests of the northwest is not the same as what you'll find on the Mississippi Flyway.
  • Too Many too list -- AR is the best kept secret in these states....

    Bull Sholes in North AR is excellent -- on the Missouri

    White River - NW AR

    Lake Dardenelle - hr outside of Little Rock
  • Our favorite for fishing is Dam Quarry Campground on the North Fork at Norfolk Dam. Corps campground that is cheap, and great trout fishing
  • Lake Catherine State Park in Hot Springs or Catherine's Landing RV Resort in Hot Springs.
    DeGray Lake State Park.