Forum Discussion

wincrasher65's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

At what $/gallon would it slow you down?

Not just a B-van question.

I've been looking thru videos on RV's overseas. Of course they are much smaller due to fuel costs, road conditions and land values, among other reasons, I'm sure. It's kinda amazing what is considered an adequate family RV in Japan!

But it begs the question. At what price for fuel would you curtail your travels, or maybe be more efficient about it, or even further, downsize your RV?

Since my B is pretty efficient, I'd say it would have to be $7 or $8 a gallon before I'd cut back in a significant way. To hang it up altogether, I don't really know - maybe $10-$12. What say you?
  • I slowed down and started much shorter trips when Diesel topped $2.50. Really slow now.
  • Since we rarely travel more than 600 miles round trip and the enjoyment of being out doors viewing mother nature is priceless, price per gallon isn't an issue.

    However, I may stay in one place for longer periods of time if fuel gets in the $6 per gallon range or higher.
  • $10 - $12 / gal would deliver me to longer stays, less frequent driving.
  • Probably about 3 bucks per gallon. I slowed down several years ago to conserve a bit but also enjoy the ride more. Usually keep it around 60 and rarely go over 65.
  • I enjoy traveling too much in our fifth wheel to let a few extra dollars per fillup ruin our travels...and will continue to do so
  • Really? You know, at 20mpg, at that rate ($12/gallon) it would be $36 an hour to drive your RV at highway speed. That's sounds kinda pricey to me.

    Also, for discussion's sake, let's consider all $ in today's money, not future $.
  • Depends on my income. If I'm earning $35 an hr, $12 gas sounds cheap.