Replace that jack. It should NEVER whine at all. What you have is a jack with the motor/Gear assbly going out which is a common problem with Motorhome Atwood leveling jacks. Most OEM's stopped using the Atwood levelegs over 5 years ago due to these problems as it is EXPENSIVE to replace an Atwood jack leg. You may be able to get a replacement upper motor/gear assbly, but it is best to replace the complete jack especially one 10 years old. It WILL fail at some point and either the jack leg screw gear will break and the jack leg fall to the ground or it will fail in operation and then the system will then beep and the touch pad flash AND if you have air suspension will stop the air suspension from raising the coach. You then have to remove the complete jack if it breaks and hits the ground and then bypass the air dump/fill on the Atwood main controller in the storage bay. Doug