Update to problem...for anyone who's interested. A friend of mine and I dove back into the issue I was having with the water heater and I believe we have found the root cause...and hopefully a good corrective action. When we pulled the TSAT and ECO off the water heater, we "dissected" the switches to see what we could see. Once the TSAT was apart, the internal switches worked normally when manually activated. Upon further inspection of the switch (prior to dissection/destruction), we noticed the back area of the switch was very worn...to the point that there were holes around the back circumference of the switch enclosure. In addition the face of the water heater tank showed signs of metal to metal (switch to water heater tank) movement. It appears that the aluminum water heater tank was not securely attached in the front face panel and subsequently moved independent to the face plate while driving. This movement and rubbing action against the TSAT and ECO was causing premature wear of the switch backing and ultimate failure. To correct the problem, we removed the water heater from the motorhome, re-secured the rings that holds the aluminum tank to the various face plate penetrations. In addition, the water heater was attached to the mounting surface in the motorhome better...to hopefully reduce movement. Next step is to drive, camp and see what happens. Bottom-line, problem appears to me mechanical and not electrical.