Just a quick follow up on our camping expenses...
Over six months on the road from May to November we stayed primarily at Thousand Trails with a few stays at RPI campgrounds plus several COEs. Our average campground cost was around $260/month ($8-$9 a night). If you include the annual TT membership fee the average rises to around $12 a night (around $370 a month).
For the winter we're doing one month stays, mostly in the Houston area to be close to family. Our winter costs are actually higher than our summer costs. With electricity around $420 a month.
We've done no boondocking at all. For us, roughing it means having only 30 amp electric and/or no sewer hookup.
Aside from using TT, RPI, and COE campgrounds I think the primary reason for our being able to keep costs low has to do with our planning our trip. Some fulltimers really enjoy just following their nose and picking a place to stay when they are ready to land for the night. I, on the other hand, enjoy planning ahead. In fact, for me, that's part of the fun of fulltiming. I may be the most scheduled fulltimer in the world! Right now I'm working on our 2014 adventure and have already started making reservations. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but one thing is sure: planning out a trip in advance saves a lot of money. Last year we paid zero "drive up" camping fees.
I linked it already, but again,
here's a link to our blog entries related to expenses.