dougrainer wrote:
Newmar makes a great Motorhome. But, when you look at those statistics, it does NOT tell what you think it tells. Sales rose. That is great. BUT if Newmar sold 500 motorhomes last year and then sold 700, then the marketing dept would tout that 40 percent increase. Now if Fleetwood sold 10,000 last year and then sold 10,500, that is a 5 percent increase, but still they sold a LOT more. Newmar does NOT have the market share they had just 10 years ago. They are slowly increasing their share every year, but have NOT sold as many as Tiffin/Winne/Fleetwood and Thor. Remember, Marketing will use the numbers and fudge them to make any RV line look like they are selling more versus the competition. Doug
Fortunately, quantity is not their business model. They are geared towards quality and limit how many they make a year. Tiffin is similar, but the rest only care about $$$ and not quality.