ctilsie242, from all I know and have seen Sportsmobiles are very fine units. I simply like the looks of a Roadtrek 190P or 210P better and I had a 190 for seven years and a 210 for almost seven. I feel that I completely know and am competent around Roadtreks and that is my prejudice. I do all of my own maintenance on the RV stuff and have never taken a rig to a dealer to be worked on, just to the Chevy, Ford or Dodge place for chassis stuff. Once out of warranty, I have a great locally owned garage, third generation outfit, ten minutes down the street.
Just purely, purely personal preference. I do feel that the interior appearance of the RTs are more "traditional" and the Sportsmobiles have a more "modern" appearance. Guess an old goat just prefers old goat things that look like he does.
In any event, I just don't think there are more choices apparently than Sportsmobile or Roadtrek for something under 9 feet. I had hoped this thread would reveal some hidden gem I might have missed, but so far that is not to be.